For example, we provide a table of contents at the top of every document, with [>] ZOOM IN buttons that opens up more detail. Within the document, every heading has a [<] ZOOM OUT button which jumps you up to its "parent" heading. These ZOOM buttons allow you to pop back and forth between the detail and the top-level outline view, to "traverse" the structure of the document. And when clicking on a link lands you deep in the middle of some document, you can click on the nearest ZOOM OUT button for a birds-eye-view. 1B
We have also pre-tagged every paragraph and heading with Statement Numbers which you can use to jump directly to, and/or uniquely reference, any item in our website. 1C
See Controlling the View and Traveling Through the Working Files in the paper Authorhip Provisions in Augment (OAD,2250,7). 1D
These simple features were designed to give you a taste of what we've envisioned for the website of the future - a collaborative knowledge environment which has evolved well beyond publishing, into facilitating, capturing, integrating and adding value to the swirl of in-process collective work of virtual teams and communities (out of which pops knowledge products to be published). See Boosting Collective IQ and Essential Elements of An Open Hyperdocument System for more detail. 1E
In the AUGMENT system where these pages originated we call these Statement Numbers . AUGMENT supplies Statement Numbers automatically, and in AUGMENT you can choose to view or hide them, and show them in the right margin, or the left margin. We have included them in the HTML version of the document to give you a taste of their utility. 2B
See also Addressing the Working Materials in the paper Authorhip Provisions in Augment (OAD,2250,6). 2C
For more information, see Recorded Mail -- AUGMENT's Journal System in the paper Authorhip Provisions in Augment (OAD,2250,10C). 3B
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