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New CWE Creation - Check List (7I)
- CWE general requirements, considerations & best practices (7J)
- a CWE Administrator (facilitator, champion, ...) (7K)
- a technical contact (7L)
- an access policy (7M)
- user training (7O)
- Administrator training (7P)
- CoP or Project charter (7Q)
- at least one "project" to focus the energy (7R)
- membership (and rapport among the membership) (7S)
- a "culture" unique to the CoP (or the project team's organization, process) (7T)
- Items (to be further organized and merged into the list) (7U)
- a Logo (or banner) (83)
- initial file workspace directory structure (7V)
- initial forums (or mailing lists) that need to be created (7W)
- subscribers to each of the forum/list (7X)
- Listing of initial members under each role: (7Y)
- CWE Admin (7Z)
- CWE Member (80)
- Portal Editor (Web Master) (81)
- other roles specific to a CWE (besides the default roles mentioned above) (82)