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There are prerequisites to using the CWE, but they are fairly basic (and almost common place in most parts of the world today.) (6E)
- The prerequisites required of CWE users include: (6F)
- ability to connect to and browse the Internet; (6G)
- know how to write on an editor/word processor; and (6H)
- know how to communicate through e-mail (6I)
CWE User Levels 1 through 10 (5W)
- Level 1: Ability to make postings to the e-mail forum (mailing list). Ability to access a piece of information when a link is provided, on a web page or via e-mail. Be able to explore and browse the cwe contents under (a) community portal; (b) forum archives; (c) community wiki; and (d) file repository. (5X)
- Level 2: Ability to retrieve cwe content through "search". Be able to map to web folders and move content into the file workspace (through drag-and-drop from your own machine to the WebDAV server). (5Y)
- Level 3: Be able to contribute on the wiki; with abilities to (a) edit other's work; (b) write new work; (c) start new pages; and (d) format the page to look nicely. (5Z)
- Level 5: Ability to properly name files. Understand simple version control. (61)
- Level 6: Ability to serve/view VNC and setup conference calls. Ability to setup template pages and do real time note taking with the wiki. (62)
- Level 7: Be able to start a new forum; new project or new CoP, and moderate it on the CWE. (63)
- Level 8: (to be added) (64)
- Level 9: (to be added) (65)
- Level 10: (to be added) (66)
How high a level do we need to be, to be effective on the CWE? (6J)
- community members don't have to be all high level user for the group to be productive. A community with mostly "Level 1" users will be able to get huge value out of working in CWE. (6K)
- That class of users, in the setting of a nominal CoP, would probably be the most influential anyway -- because it would probably represent the largest percentage of the membership; and, more importantly, your policy/decision makers may well be in the group too! (6Q)
- That said, Of course, the higher level the users are, the more the community can gain by working in the CWE. (6L)
- What would really help is, that each communityis able to have a good "CWE Administrator". (6M)
- Recommendation: You would want to start with a "simple project" that the members can put through on the cwe, even if it is just an exercise. (6N)
- some communities started out just using the mailing list (forum) feature of the cwe, and found that to be extremely helpful. (6O)